“As the oldest refuse collection company in town, we have been providing refuse collection services for the citizens of Westport since 1929”
– Sue Malone
Upcoming Holidays and Schedule changes
Inclement Weather
If your driveway is at all steep or icy, please bring your cans to the curb for safe and easy collection. Drivers will skip any houses where they deemed the driveway to be unsafe. Our trucks do not have 4WD and our drivers have fallen on many driveways so far this year. Safety is always our priority. Thank you for helping us keep our drivers safe!
Memorial Day
We will be closed on Monday 5/26/25. All Monday customers will be picked up on Tuesday 5/27. All Tuesday customers will be picked up on Wednesday 5/28. There are no schedule changes for Thursday or Friday.
4th of July
We will be closed on Friday 7/4/25. All Thursday customers will be picked up one day earlier on Wednesday 7/2. All Friday customers will be picked up one day earlier on Thursday 7/3. There are no schedule changes for Monday or Tuesday.
In the event that a customer does not have their items out on time on the correct day during a holiday week, they will unfortunately have to wait until their next regularly scheduled pick-up. There are no special pick-ups during a holiday week.
• Weekly garbage pick-up (all items must be in bags that are tied shut)
• Weekly recycling pick-up (all items must be clean of food residue/oil, and placed loose in the can)
• Special pick-ups: items beyond everyday garbage and recycling, bulk items, or a larger than usual amount of regular garbage/recycling